HomeSeer WGL Rain8/Relay8 Software PlugIn for HS3
HomeSeer WGL Rain8/Relay8 Software PlugIn for HS3
IMPORTANT This plugin is no longer supported. You are free to use it as you like. However, it is not guaranteed to work.
The RainRelay8 plugin supports the Rain8Net RS232 irrigation controller and the Relay8Net RS232 relay outputs.
Main Features
- The plugin creates HomeSeer devices that represent all outputs (spinkler valves for the Rain8 and relay outputs for the Relay8)
- Events can then be created to control output devices.
- A dedicated status page is available for direct control of the outputs.
- This software is FREE to all HomeSeer PRO-Series users!
What's Included
- Software License Codes
- HomeSeer HS3 or HS3PRO
- Compatible with Windows and Linux
Comments / Notes
- This plugin is only $10.00 with the purchase of either the Rain8Net or Relay8Net hardware from our store!