HiTec Homes lrpSpeak Software Plugin for HS3
HiTec Homes lrpSpeak Software Plugin for HS3
HS4 users: This plugin was created for HS3 and should run on your HS4 system. However, the setup/config pages are not optimized for use on mobile devices. |
This software plugin is designed to allow HomeSeer systems to switch speakers and inputs of AB8SS and also provide speak proxy with dictionary pronunciation functions.
Main Features
- DotNet4
- New Version for HomeSeer version 3 Only
- This software is NOT free to HomeSeer PRO-Series users.
Important Information
This is a compact .NET4 plugin built using strict adherence to HomeSeer's plugin API; ensuring future generations of plugin will take full advantage new features in HomeSeer when available.
This plugin performs AB8SS switching and speak proxy for HomeSeer 3 or higher. Simple commands can be sent via events or scripts to switch inputs or outputs of an AB8SS.
This plugin, is designed to perform reliably and quickly.
Configuration INI file stores configs such as
- PreDelay for speaking,
- PostDelay of switching a AB8SS,
- Debug option,
- Log to file option,
- And various Volume level presets.
Also a dictionary function provides a method to substitute pronunciations of difficult speech engine words, and includes a web based dictionary editor.
Configuration web page is accessed through HomeSeer's plugin-Interface link using standard HomeSeer API rather than ASPX and additional files.
What's Included
- Software License Codes
- HomeSeer HS3
- Compatible with Windows only
Related Links (Photos / Videos / Diagrams / Forms)
Comments / Notes
- This is a new compile for HomeSeer ver-3 only.