Michael McSharry mcsMQTT Software Plugin for HS4
Michael McSharry mcsMQTT Software Plugin for HS4
MQTT, REST, TCP, UDP, WebSocket, Serial, Shelly, Pentair,BLE, StreetMap, Geofence, WLED, Intesis, Daikin,YoLink, Ecowitt, VoiceMonkey, IR,RF, IPrelay, Hydrawise and Orbit Irrigation, Bluetooth, Espresense, Epson, Hunter Douglas, Switchbot, Sense, Emporia, EcoNet, Abode, Nexia, Trane, American Standard, Flume, Hayward Omnilogic CPU
Main Features
- Integrate products locally or internet servers
- Employ Ethernet, Wifi, IR, RF, Bluetooth, Serial, LoRa hardware
- Utilize GET, POST, PUT, UDP, MQTT, SSDP, Websocket, Webhook network protocols
- Collect and Chart Device History in InfluxDB, SQLite, mySQL, SQLServer
- Software License Codes
- HomeSeer HS4-Powered System
- Compatible with Windows and Linux