Simple RF Software Plugin for HS3
Simple RF Software Plugin for HS3
HS4 users: This plugin was created for HS3 and should run on your HS4 system. However, the setup/config pages are not optimized for use on mobile devices. |
This software plugin is designed to allow HomeSeer systems to receive and process X-10 commands received from a compatible RF receiver. It was built with ease of use in mind while still being powerful enough to handle X-10 RF commands as configured and required by the user. X-10 rules, security devices, and device mapping (shadow devices) are all supported. The software works on both Windows and Linux based computers.
Currently it supports only the W800-based receivers, but the RFXCOM receivers could be added if demand exists. The plugin was created in C# (.NET 4) and requires HS3/HS3PRO.
Main Features
- Processes X-10 RF based signals
- Allows any number of RF receivers
- Handles X-10 security devices
- X-10 Rule capability to fine tune handling of commands
- Link X-10 commands to one or many Homeseer devices
What's Included
- Software License Codes
- HomeSeer HS3 or HS3PRO
- W800-based RF Receiver
- Compatible with Windows only
Related Links (Photos / Videos / Diagrams / Forms)